Seasons Greetings, updated Newsletter and holiday songs Stacie Rose style:
Your free gift from Stacie Rose is HERE, guaranteed to bring serenity this holiday season:
Thanks for stopping by to experience the latest Stacie Rose updates! The ALTER-EGO EP's were released on AUGUST 17 2010. You can get your copy now on ITUNES, AMAZON, CDBABY, EMUSIC and beyond... The wheels are turning..I'm Making new music and plan to share it with you in 2012! For booking/press inquiries
Here is the latest…
We showed up at Mission studio in Brooklyn NY this past Saturday 12/11 at 10:30 am to start setting up drums, guitars, and getting sounds for a full day of R&R tracking..
Here’s the roster:
Stacie: vocals
Jeff Allen: Producer: Bass guitar
Jack Petruzelli: guitars and keyboards
James Mastro: guitars
Jeff Lipstein: drums
Sound Engineer: Oliver Strauss
It was a freeeeezing but very sunny day and I felt calm, confident, yet buzzing w/ excitement and anticipation about what would come of a fast and furious 12 hrs of recording.We only did two four hour rehearsals prior to the record date. The idea was to know the songs, and be rehearsed, yet not over-polished. Thus leaving some room for instant creativity, combustion, and energy in the room to emerge; for songs to bloom, and blossom, burst, and become what they would become. We were going for beauty and edge, the storm and the calm, that intangible electricity that happens when great musicians come together in a moment of sonic fury & harmony.
It worked!!!..The thing we had hoped for! The songs whipped, whirled and spiraled around me like familiar dreams that had expanded & exploded. The stories unfolded. I gazed around the room from time to time with pleasure and rare contentment; taking in the
intensely impassioned, trance-like, expressions on the musician’s faces, realizing we were all sharing the mood, the moment and the songs. The songs had become part of a collective energy, and I realized that I was doing the thing
that I was meant to be doing at that moment.
I am grateful to have gotten such amazing talent in that studio and to have Jeff Allen producing this portion of the double EP project. He is a great friend, collaborator, and a rare talent.
The good vibes sent by my team, friends, family, etc..via txts, FB, phone, etc.. contributed to the success of the day
and is much appreciated!
I have included a photo from that day which will be in my memory and heart always. I can’t wait to share the music with you and once again appreciate your support immensely!!
Wishing you & yours a very happy & healthy holiday season.
Until the next update!
Stacie Rose
p.s. we realized that day that all the players grew up in New Jersey!! GO JERSEY GO!!
CD | $25 |
Signed CD | $30 |
Signed Stacie Rose poster + EP's | $45 |
Signed CD + T-Shirt | $50 |
Your name in the credits | $60 |
Your name in the credits + signed EP's | $70 |
Come down to a mixing session | $120 |
VIP Invite to pre-listening party | $200 (5 left) |
Stacie Rose signed discography | $200 |
A song about you | $300 (3 left) |
Play an instrument on a track + EP's | $300 |
Sing background on a track + EP's | $300 |
Cover & Record - song of your choice | $300 (7 left) |
Signed guitar | $500 (1 left) |
Northeast House Concert | $1,000 (2 left) |
Executive producer credit | $1,500 (1 left) |
Earl Clifton Radio Podcast is playing my song "RUN OUT" featuring Shawn Mullins on September 4th - Thank You for the love!!
Stacie Rose, Singer/Songwriter aus New Jersey, hat auf ihrem neuen Album “shotgun daisy” gemeinsam mit einer Reihe hervorragender Studiomusiker zwölf neue Songs aufgenommen; darunter auch Produzent Jeff Allen (Bass, Programming, Wurlitzer). Stacie singt und wird von einem aufwendigen Line-up mit mehreren Gitarren, Bass, verschiedenen Keyboards, Drums, aber auch Trompete, elektronischen Effekten und Perkussion begleitet. Sie hat eine schöne Stimme und singt mit viel Gefühl rhythmisch melodiöse Balladen, die dem Genre Popmusik zugeordnet werden können. Ein wenig erinnert mich ihre Musik an die Corrs, als sie sich von den traditionellen Klängen abgewendet und dem lukrativeren Mainstream zugewandt haben. Auch sie brilliert mit verführerisch schönen Gesängen, einschmeichelnden Melodien und groovigen Rhythmen. Die Songs sind vom romantischen „Find Your Way“ bis zu rockigen „Not Listening“ perfekt aufgenommen und abgemischt, mir fehlt jedoch etwas die Abwechslung. Das melancholische „December“ sticht mit Scott Wendholts Trompetenspiel hervor, „Hit me in the Head“ mit hypnotischem Rhythmus und „Worry me“ mit tollen Rhythmuswechseln. Das Album ist eine Sammlung schöner Chill-out Balladen, die sich gut in jeder Hitparade machen würden. Stacie beweist, dass man Mainstream Musik durchaus ansprechend vortragen kann. Dennoch bleibt die Musik im kommerziellen Bereich und es fehlen die musikalischen Höhepunkte.
Thank you to: Adolf 'gorhand' Goriup and Michael Friedman!
If you know what this review says let us know :)Le Cri Du Coyote Magazine- France
We aren't too sure what this says, if you know French and the review is awesome let us know
If it's not too good... keep it to yourself!! LOL
Thanks to Peter Holmstedt for making this happen!
xo Stacie
June 2009 by John Pfeiffer
Despite the economic downslide it’s been a busy entertainment year here at the Shoreworld so far and its tough to keep up with the talent that seems to be never-ending in New Jersey. This week’s musical highlight comes in the form of one Stacie Rose; a New Jersey performer out in support of her latest disc,Shotgun Daisy, and it’s a disc that leaves a good impression. We met at the Cape May Singer Songwriter festival and she immediately struckme as different from the usual pack of singer/songwriter zombies that are in abundance on the scene today. Her confident style is a smooth and easy blend of influences including Skye Edwards (Morcheeba) Shawn Colvin and Christine McVie rolled into 12 solid tunes on her latest effort.
I also noticed some of the players on this disc that are quietly listed, but have made huge musical contributions worldwide as well as adding here to the signatureStacieRose sound— guys like Gerry Leonard, David Bowie’s music director (currently touring with Rufus Wainwright); Jack Petruzelli, also on tour withWainwright, (guitars/keyboards); Shawn Pelton handles drums on two songs; Steve Conte of the New York Dolls graces four tracks;Warner Brothers UK artist, Hawk is on one song;Knox Chandler does some guitar work and James Maestro lends his strings to three songs (currently touring with Ian Hunter).David Patterson plays on the whole record. He has previously toured with Shawn Mullins and the Indigo Girls.
The disc itself is extremely produced by Jeff Allen (Duncan Sheik, Avril Lavigne) and Robert Smith (David Bowie, Rickie Lee Jones), but still shows several standout tracks like disc opener “Find Your Way,” amid-tempo rocker that kicks in with infectious backbeats and gritty Les Pauls courtesy of Jersey’s own Steve Conti and drums by Joe Bonadio, giving it a solid groove while Rose keeps it fresh from start to finish gelling well with backing singer LucyWoodward (Atlantic Records) and making it sound as if the pair has been singing together for years. “Hope” is radio gold, wasting no time spinning up into the main chorus with the assist of Woodward, creating a crossover delicatessen of appetizing sounds ranging from country to pop and contemporary alternative.“Love Saves” shows the streak of Sheryl Crow influence and “Mr. And Mrs. Happily Ever After” is custom made for the next prime time TV sitcom. The interesting “Wreck At Best” shows a darker and eclectic rocker sound fromthe band jumping from laid back four-four groove to double time staccato hits. It has a “Sundays” vibe and it’s good stuff. “Worry Free” is Kate Bush-vibed brilliance. “December” is my favorite cut, ethereal and dark, Stacie’s voice soars best here with spatial superiority, class and smooth urgency as she pushes the trumpet of ScottWendholt into the atmospheric swirls of Leonard’s ambient guitar work.
Shotgun Daisy is a head-turning effort that will have you hearing much more about Rose and her Enchanted recording future.Catch her at the upcoming Wave Gathering Festival in June and get her CD over at
I am so grateful for all the new radio play! Thank you for all your continued support!!
Indie Revolution Radio on 100.9 WMIR FM featured "Not Listening" on their May 17th show -
Common Nonsense show on Audio Independents Radio featured "Run Out" on their May 18th show - Rose's "LOVE SAVES" is being featured on The Songwriter's Network THIS SATURDAY, MAY 9th between 6PM and 11PM
Thank you to Bert Gagnon for selecting Stacie's music
for the show!
listen to the show here:
After listening to SHOTGUN DAISY, the question has to be; why would New Jersey singer songwriter Stacie Rose want to be compared to anyone, even such luminaries as Stevie Nicks, Sheryl Crow and Bonnie Raitt? Her biography cites all three but the inescapable conclusion is that she is a truly unique talent. She is neither complete folkie nor rock chick, in truth she walks the line between both with the dexterity of a tightrope walker, neither camp could find anything on SHOTGUN DAISY to justify the cry 'sell out'. Thankfully, she is also a million miles away from the corporate blandness of radio friendly rock, SHOTGUN DAISY is a look at the world through Stacie Rose's eyes and, believe me, she has a completely different way of looking at things. And it's for that reason that you'll either instantly fall under Stacie Rose's spell or she'll leave you cold and unmoved. SOMEHOW SHOTGUN DAISY doesn't come over as the kind of album you'll grow to love. But there is an undeniably quirky freshness about the music and not just the prosaically titled Mrs Happy Ever After & Me. A more cynical artist would have added all sorts of black arts to commercialise the hook-laden SHOTGUN DAISY but throughout it retains its innocence. While Stacie Rose neatly dodges genre definition, SHOTGUN DAISY is not a difficult listen, Find Your Way is delicately tinged with rock while Run Out is the kind of song that could restore your faith in the charts were it to be released as a single. It is very easy indeed to take SHOTGUN DAISY to your heart. Stacie Rose is one of those artists that don't really have to try too hard to stand out. She is a warm and sympathetic singer but she is also blessed with the imagination to make the most of her gifts. That allows her to take Not Listening and make it completely different from its album mates. If you're looking for suitable comparisons, then the equally individual Bjork and Tori Amos come to mind but in the end it's best to enjoy Stacie Rose on her terms. MM
I won Best Original Music Video: Round 1 for "Consider Me" on FUSE TV Make a Star program Saturday, December 6th!! We are completely shocked, as we entered the competition on a whim :)
go to to VOTE for CONSIDER ME to help me win the next round
Thank you for your support now and always,
xo SR
I AM TOLD THESE ARE FANTASTIC REVIEWS... if you can read them, PLEASE let me know -SR
Quote : "Shotgun Daisy Stacie Rose is shooting straight to the top with her catchy, melodic and well crafted popsongs. A new popstar is born."
Stacie Rose: Shotgun Daisy
Az énekes-dalszövegíró Stacie Rose New Jerseyből indult a világot jelentő deszkák meghódítására. Amikor Rose előadói stílusát igyekeznek közismert muzsikusokéhoz hasonlítani, akkor – nemtől függetlenül – Sheryl Crow, Bruce Springsteen és Paul Simon neve merül fel a leggyakrabban. Az énekesnő 2002-ben a This Is Mine címet viselő albumával kapcsolódott be a tengerentúl zenei vérkeringésébe. A folytatásban egy koncertalbum, a This Is Yours (2003) és egy stúdiólemez, a Shadow & Splendor (2005) következett. Az elmúlt három évben Rose inkább az élő előadásokra összpontosított. Az idei évben megtört a „lemezmentes időszak". Néhány héttel ezelőtt jelent meg a nem túl nőies címet viselő Shotgun Daisy című új album, rajta 12 remek saját szerzeménnyel. A korong producere Jeff Allen mellett az a Robert L. Smith, aki olyan nagy kaliberű sztárokkal dolgozott eddig együtt, mint David Bowie és Rickie Lee Jones.Az énekesnő új albuma számomra egy kicsit Nora Jones világát idézi. Könnyed zene otthoni vagy – ha nem a wattok számítanak, akkor – autóban történő hallgatásra. A stílus valahol a népzene és a pop határmezsgyéjén egyensúlyoz. A Hope-tól a Run Outig, a Black and Blue-tól az Ever Againig azonnal megszerethető, már-már fülbemászó melódiák szerepelnek a lemez „étlapján".
A produkcióban buja könnyedséggel keveredik az akusztikus és az elektronikus hangvilág. Rose nagyon különleges színfolt a poppalettán, gyönyörű hanggal, igazi egyéniséggel. A Shotgun Daisy egy gazdag hangzásvilágú, komoly zenészstábot felvonultató produkció.
Rose – nagy sajnálatomra – szakítva a hagyománnyal, a lemez kísérőfüzetében csak a közreműködő zenészek nevét tünteti fel számonkénti bontásban, a dalok szövegét nem. Egy rövidke mondat az énekesnő honlapjára irányítja a líra után érdeklődőket.